Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Goal for being effective!

Every city serves a different god (principalities, dark rulers in supernatural causing pain and influencing a certain evil), it is up to us as Christians to save as many was we can by telling them about THE GOD and pray for the cities atmospheres to be changed (so to say angels/holy spirit invasion). (see Ephesians 6:12) If we do this in agreement, there is nothing that can stop us (see Matthew 18:19)... So ya... the goal is to pray daily, fast weekly, have a prayer list to keep you focused when you our in your quiet time (that you have set the appointment with God on a everyday schedule that works around God, not around you) gets you focused on what to pray, a journal to write down what God has told you, and an optional thing you can write down dreams you know are from the holy spirit. Why? We must have purpose! Ever feel bored and can't seem to get the entertainment to fully satisfy that need? It is because your spirit man is hungry for the things of God. Purpose is the the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc. What is our purpose? It the the your personality in use for what God has called you to be, to be effective for the kingdom. Some say, how can I do something now? We start by reading the word getting it in us by eating the scroll (see Ezekiel 3:1-3) study it, memorize it. It will come out of you when you do need it. Second thing is to start doing something! People look at pastors, evangelists, and others and feel they have to wait for a certain day when they are aloud to practice like what they see.  To give a clear example,  say it is a student at college who studies the word, studies at school to be a writer one day. Why the one day? True you have to have a degree to get the job to make the money in most cases but even then you should desire more knowledge to seek how to be better when you do that task, but the point being made here is why do have to wait for that one day that you can start changing the world around you. Start writing now! Start asking God what to write! Throughout history of mankind there seems to be a "muse" that people call upon for help in dancing,writing, paining. As a Christian, we should ask the Holy Spirit to be our muse ( Milton did it for Paradise Lost). By doing this you prepare your future to have many things to say that have been given to you to release to the world for kingdom purpose to save others. Why are people not doing this? Distractions, Too tired from work/school or Too Busy, Entertainment = Lazy mode, then sleep then repeat. If you take your relationship with God by writing down what he says, having a schedule around his time with bringing him everywhere to everything you do (like a small child holding a teddy bear everywhere that never leaves their sight), having a prayer journal, writing down the dreams that you know have meaning, and have conversation with him while reading your bible and worship. You will have a lot of problems go away, you will have a lot more excitement in your life, and you will begin to walk in the Spirit (see Galatians 5:22) rather than walking in the flesh (see Galatians 5:19) in every moment of your life so that others around you can be forever changed because they have seen that you are changed and not like everyone else!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Without Love, it's Nothing!

1 Corinthians 13:3-And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love it profits me nothing.
Target the heart of a soul, and you’ll realize the motives of their goals.”-Fabrice N. Saidi

God is four things a Spirit, Light, a Consuming Fire, and last but not least Love. Love is the fulfillment of all the commandments. So love is deeper than just showing it to humans it becomes a lifestyle. Love cannot be shown it must be lived. Self cannot co-exist with love, so to truly love you must die to self; and realize there’s no such thing as “better” only Christ. You must martyr your values, any racism, biasness, stereotypes, personal believe through experiences, and above all any common sense assumption. Then you will see the power of love truly start to dictate your life. The realization of the power of love will convince you, that if the world only knew it they will fall on their knees. Love is the only thing that will bring the lost world to Christ. Not evangelism, not missions, not words, nor church services, or great acts of piety, but love; it’s a universal language that consumes the body, soul and spirit. The 21 century churches have failed miserably to realize that, and stop the power of love from working in a believer and unbeliever alike; by turning love into an actioned routine, programmed, with regulation. Love is a lifestyle not attendants; it’s a lifestyle of a continual giving away of yourself to Christ not the banner of Christianity. Be loyal to Christ not a building, many precious lives have been brutally murdered for the sake of the banner of Christianity and the church.
  Many not all churches are flipping bible verses using a Latent function (unconscious or untended functions that may reflect hidden purposes of an institution) and this is what stops people from seeing the true love nature of God. John 14:24- If you love him you will follow his commandments, but the church using latent function reverses the verse unconsciously promoting that, He will only love those that follow has commandments. That’s a lie from a religious spirit that has consumed their minds. God is love! You don’t have to do anything for him, he loves you if you follow or don’t follow has commandments. Some believers fail to realize that and try to earn it through good works, that’s when it becomes a religion. Maybe if I just pray more, or go to church more, or concentrate harder, or read my bible more He’ll love me; that’s the religious spirit of the church that keeps a Christian frustrated and unsatisfied, and  buying the lie that God is quarantine in a building. God loves you no matter what! When you realize that than He’ll start to use you, and you’ll start to be amazed at His Grace. You’ll start to see the power of has love work in your life in extraordinary ways; that you’ll want everyone you encounter to just experience it. When you know the true love of God you’ll automatically start showing it. It will radiate out of you with burning passion in your inner being. “We can do no great things, just small things with great love. It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into doing it.”-Mother Teresa.  The time is coming when the true believer will be known for their love, not their confession.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Grace in life fellowship: Knowing truth through freedom! Are you willing to take an opportunity when you see it? If you could get rid of that fear in your life that stops you... would you? If you could dance when no one else danced, sing when no one else sings, live like no one else lives, what impact would you make on others. For sure you would be challenged, but you would be protected, and you would impact people's lives around you, but why are you not living a life that speaks with these types of actions. Fear will stop you from doing what God has called you to do. God is for you!!! He protects you from harm(see Psalms 91), he gives you the boldness to do these things (see Acts 2), and he has plans for you that are good (see Jeremiah 29:11). But you ask, what is the cost... Everything, your whole heart. It is one of those things where you must daily dine with the Holy Spirit, rather a spirit that distracts you from God's will on your life. Strongholds of distractions and fear can keep a person bound up in depression and worry for years. But when one cries out to Jesus and gives him everything in their heart, mind, every breath for His glory and means it.... You can expect to see change in that persons life. A lot of people today look to serve two masters. They try to do good, but when no one is watching or they have wrong motives, they are really just practicing evil. To break this habit a person must verbally break the agreement with the motives and lies that they live by that make them believe evil is good for benefit and good is evil (this really isn't a good way to live see Isaiah 5:20-25) . It is time for people to realize that compromise with fleshly desires is actually slowly pulling them away from purpose and destiny and they are wasting themselves away in a hamster wheel (go to work/school, come home, play entertainment (including hanging out), sleep, and repeat). This all can be changed, but it starts with giving your life actions to God, then DAILY spending time with him in every moment. This seems hard, but think about how you started that hobby or habit, it was a little at a time with more and more each time. If we mess up Grace is there, we must live a quick to repent life style and get resigned up to try again. We must fight the good fight of life( see 1 Timothy 6:12), a lot of people are not fighting and then they wonder why things are going bad or seem boring. We get our eyes of others and get our eyes on Jesus, with serving others. If you want to live an exciting life, then this is for you. Yes circumstances come, but living a life of prayer and intercession, and serving others in the way God wants you to do according you your personality is a very interesting way to live that will bring you out of a robot kind of lifestyle!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


This is the very first blog post for Grace in Life Fellowship.

Grace in Life Fellowship is a Ministry and not a Church.

We are on a mission to show you how you can be effective in changing you circumstances and knowing the truth through freedom.

We are currently building from the ground up internet wise, so things are basic right now, but come back! Because soon, you will see things that interest you and change your life forever.