Friday, May 20, 2011

Living a life of Worship

We all live a life of worship. Worship is reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred.  What do you invest your time in? Where do you put your money?  As a Christian it is important that we give our entire heart to God. There comes a time where one can get bored and pick up habits that become a lifestyle of picking up things we don't really need to put in our eye gate and ear gate. Video games, movies, television can be ways that can keep you distracted from worshiping God. Always showing up to buy the next best one, always trying to keep up with what everyone else has, always trying to be something your not. Ultimately this can lead to you not fulfill God's purpose on your life because you are trying to find your identity in that think you desire so much. We serve a jealous God. We are are set apart from the world's lifestyles but too many times we see what others are doing around us and feel the need of acceptance by doing what they do, for sometimes the sole purpose of something to talk about. We must live to glorify God in everything we do (see 1 Cor. 10:31). We must make a difference in our life as a Christian and live by the holy spirit. The idea is the process of knowing the truth from what the word of God says and applying that scripture to your life (see 1 Peter 1:14-16).