Sunday, April 10, 2011

Perfect Love casts out all fear!

1 John 4:18- There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

“…the only thing we have to fear is fear itself…”-Franklin D. Roosevelt

Fear is the most powerful weapon Lucifer (the devil) and his kingdom uses. Fear is actually just belief. The biblical story of Job is one of the greatest tragedies a human has ever had to endure and overcome. Most would say that it wasn’t right for that to happen to a man of his stature and character; it was just not fair he did nothing wrong. But let’s look at scripture and you’ll find out why it really happened, and the power of fear in full effect. Job 3:25- For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me. Fear is belief what Job believed (feared) happened. That’s why it’s so important to destroy all forms of fear to receive and know the perfect love of God, and give the devil no ground. Fear is agreeing with the devils lies, and shaking has hand and saying I believe!!! When you fear you put your faith in the devil, and that allows him to have influence on what materializes in your life. Proclaim this over your life; I have no faith in the devil!!! I have no faith in the devil!!! I have no faith in the devil!!! Now start to break all the agreements of fear that you have with him (a suggestion, ask the holy spirit to expose to you all your fears some my have been from childhood, and some you never knew you did you’ve been doing it unconsciously, some of your fears are wrapped up in your action not your thoughts, you really have to get personal and go deep into the core of your existence, you’ll be shocked to see what he reveals to you). If you do that I believe that you will break the curse of fear from your life, and as you become consciously aware of it you will start to see the power of love manifest in your life and do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think. Don’t be weary if it doesn’t immediately happen; it’s a process that takes time, but if you keep exercising your power over fear you will see it destroyed forever. There’ll be no faith left for the devil and his lies, and all your faith will be transported to God. Then you’ll start to see God reveal Himself to you in ways that you could never imagine. Your eyes will be opened to the 21 century church that has married fear and forsaken Christ. They build barriers, and are very cautious, not out of wisdom but out of fear. Don’t touch, don’t go, don’t say, fearful people limit themselves and submit to the rules and regulations of society, believers and unbelievers alike. Fear just as Love is a universal language one is limited and the other is limitless. Colossians 2:20-22 Therefore if you died with Christ from the basics principles of the world, why ,as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulation,21- do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,”22-which all concern things which perish with the using according to the commandments and doctrines of men? Fear is for those who don’t know the true love of God, and subject themselves to there surroundings and feelings. That’s why it’s important to believe the words of God because it’s anointed and it breaks the yoke of fear and oppression. You have to believe that God loves you more than you can ever imagine, than you’ll stop fearing things that are subject to change. My brother my sister don’t turn God into a intangible religion, his a spirit and he loves you, his real , he really is real,  he really is really real, start treating him like your father, be free again ,be a kid again ,worry free no fear again, really live like your born again. Than you’ll start to love without common sense; a kind of love that doesn’t disqualify anyone, but loves everyone not because of what they’ve done or what they can become simply love them for them. Now that’s true evangelism! “We can do no great things, just small things with great love. It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into doing it.”- Mother Teresa.  Again I say, the time is coming when the true believer will be known for their love, not their confession.

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