Monday, June 13, 2011

Sin must obey

1 John 1:8- If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
“I never ever was not a sinner, but I wasn’t always forgiven.”-Fabrice N. Saidi
The truth is that you have sinned, you will sin, and you are sinning. Sin is past, future, and present. So the first step to defeating something that will always be there, is acknowledging that it will always be there. So you have to become conscious of it, not self conscious. Self consciousness is trying to fix something that you cannot fix, its bringing condemnation on yourself. You become aware of the smallest action always feeling like your watched or that you have to prove yourself to yourself or others. Sometimes self consciousness can be a lower form of a perfectionistwith a greater emphasis on judgment on others and yourself. Many believer and unbelievers alike are self conscious about sin, and are viewing it through a traditional and religious way. Mostly because of the communistic 21 century churches influential views. The church looks at sin as some kind of terrorist trying to destroy them, but in reality sin is truth. Truth in a sense of evident of your dying need of consecration to a savior. The church puts a sense of condemnation (non verbally) on people that fall into sin or back slide; they look at them as Judas. People may not say it, but it’s a non- verbal communication through posture towards you, gesture, facial expression, and lack of eye contact or too much eye contact vice versa, or negative movement (not wanting to socialize with you, sitting away from you). They actually have a kind of persona as if to say “I’m holier than you”. 65-93% of meaning is determined by nonverbal factors. And people try to be something there not that’s why most of the people that you think have it all together really don’t. Let’s take off the church mask and come back to reality.”There is no such thing as better only Christ! You can’t empty a dark room you must turn on the light. When you realize the truth that you’ll always be a sinner you won’t try so hard to be something you’re not. You must view sin as a tool of learning not something to bring condemnation upon yourself. When you few it as condemnation that’s when you’ll realize how much you do it, and it will control you. Those believers that have fallen into sin, or are struggling with sin, most change their prospective on sin, and they’ll start to rule over it. Genesis 4:7-“If you do well, will you not be accepted? And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.” You most view doing well, as in doing well on a test will you indeed not pass? You most learn from your sin and when temptation comes you will do well on passing through it, but if you view it as just a tool of condemnation how can you learn from it at all? That’s why Jesus died and went to hell and rose and had preeminence over everything. He freely gives you has nature and power to master sin. In order to master something you must learn from it, and if you don’t do it how can you learn from it? That’s why 1 John 1:8- says if you think you have no sin you deceive yourself, because that’s not the truth. Of course people (mainly the church believers that are under the power of a strong routine religious spirit) will look at you as Judas, but keep fighting start strategizing, figure out how you fell in it and what you can do to not let it happen again. Remember God looks at the heart. So when believers look at you as Judas he looks at you as Peter. We must adapt that same mentality; let’s start looking out of love .Psalm 139:12-Indeed,the darkness shall not hid from you, But the night shines as day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You. We are all sinners so we must testify to the world out of love, that it is not us believers that are righteous but the Jesus that is in us Is. Psalm 51:13-then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinner shall be converted to You. There is no such thing as better only Christ….! Theres no such thing as better only Christ…..! When we convert to the ways of Love, than the unbelievers will see the truth of Christ. Again I say, the time is coming when the true believer will be known for their love, not their confession.

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