We are called to be servant leaders. We as the body of Christ are sons and daughters of the living God. Our focus is to honor God with our time and all our possessions. There are times where some get lazy, there are times when some will give the appearance of being great. The truth of the matter is though you can fool man all you want, but our Father is watching, and he knows your motives. We must be doers of the word out of love. Too many seek to give the appearance of "look at me I look awesome" but in reality they do nothing with the vision where they are called to be at. If love is not there what is the point? You can give lip service all you want but if you are not willing to take responsibility and grow with the knowledge and share that knowledge with others, why even show up. The kingdom of God is operating in love, so if we don't operate in love then we are missing the mark. We must fan the flame by worshiping God while being around others. If we seek to please man we will become like man, if we seek to please God by serving man, we become like Jesus. The saddest thing is when someone is given multiple opportunities to do something great, and they turn it down and run away from the opportunity giver then try to find another place of which they are asked the same thing, commitment. If you are not willing to grow but give the appearance of wanting to show, but thinking in your mind "when can I go" then why even show if you do not want to use what you know. The big thing is Jesus holds us accountable for what we know, much is required, but if we are selfish and have no desire to be around other brothers and sisters in Christ because they want you to move with them, then you might as well stay home and be alone. For we are called to participate with each other to move in prophecy, healing, and deliverance; with our actions we must glorify God at all times, others are watching to see if you really are like the Jesus you proclaim to be Lord over every thing you are.
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