Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Without Love, it's Nothing!

1 Corinthians 13:3-And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love it profits me nothing.
Target the heart of a soul, and you’ll realize the motives of their goals.”-Fabrice N. Saidi

God is four things a Spirit, Light, a Consuming Fire, and last but not least Love. Love is the fulfillment of all the commandments. So love is deeper than just showing it to humans it becomes a lifestyle. Love cannot be shown it must be lived. Self cannot co-exist with love, so to truly love you must die to self; and realize there’s no such thing as “better” only Christ. You must martyr your values, any racism, biasness, stereotypes, personal believe through experiences, and above all any common sense assumption. Then you will see the power of love truly start to dictate your life. The realization of the power of love will convince you, that if the world only knew it they will fall on their knees. Love is the only thing that will bring the lost world to Christ. Not evangelism, not missions, not words, nor church services, or great acts of piety, but love; it’s a universal language that consumes the body, soul and spirit. The 21 century churches have failed miserably to realize that, and stop the power of love from working in a believer and unbeliever alike; by turning love into an actioned routine, programmed, with regulation. Love is a lifestyle not attendants; it’s a lifestyle of a continual giving away of yourself to Christ not the banner of Christianity. Be loyal to Christ not a building, many precious lives have been brutally murdered for the sake of the banner of Christianity and the church.
  Many not all churches are flipping bible verses using a Latent function (unconscious or untended functions that may reflect hidden purposes of an institution) and this is what stops people from seeing the true love nature of God. John 14:24- If you love him you will follow his commandments, but the church using latent function reverses the verse unconsciously promoting that, He will only love those that follow has commandments. That’s a lie from a religious spirit that has consumed their minds. God is love! You don’t have to do anything for him, he loves you if you follow or don’t follow has commandments. Some believers fail to realize that and try to earn it through good works, that’s when it becomes a religion. Maybe if I just pray more, or go to church more, or concentrate harder, or read my bible more He’ll love me; that’s the religious spirit of the church that keeps a Christian frustrated and unsatisfied, and  buying the lie that God is quarantine in a building. God loves you no matter what! When you realize that than He’ll start to use you, and you’ll start to be amazed at His Grace. You’ll start to see the power of has love work in your life in extraordinary ways; that you’ll want everyone you encounter to just experience it. When you know the true love of God you’ll automatically start showing it. It will radiate out of you with burning passion in your inner being. “We can do no great things, just small things with great love. It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into doing it.”-Mother Teresa.  The time is coming when the true believer will be known for their love, not their confession.

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