Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Love of God

We as Christians MUST live a life a holy life style, for without holiness no one will go to heaven (see Hebrews 12:14). When you give your life to Jesus, this does not mean you get a sin free pass. Yes there is God's grace if we mess up, yes we repent, but its a process of turning away from these things. But a lot of Christians today seem to not want to turn away from these things and live in total rebellion to what God says. They would rather hold on to their sin as a lifestyle than give it to God. Warning this is bad for your spiritual and physical health. When you live like the world you look like the world. There is no power in your testimony. You have the possibility to only go on church on Sunday and maybe have a God time in the morning. But it is more than those 2 acts. We are supposed to be set apart from the things of this world (see 1 Peter 1:13-19). If you want to go to hell, just ignore all this... but if you want to be holy and go to heaven REPENT! "What does repent mean? to say I'm sorry?" Yes! but it also means to turn 180 degrees the other way. So you learn not to do that. When sin is fully grown you die (see James 1:15 and see Hosea 4:6). Most Christians find their identity in entertainment. They dress up like it, they talk like it, and they act like it. Some even go to conventions doing those three. The love of the father is not in you if you love the things of this world (see I John 2:15). We must put our identity in Christ Jesus our LORD. How we do that is by learning the word, speaking the word, talking to the Holy Spirit that lives within us. Giving him complete control. If we continue to love the things of the world we love death. When you give your live to Jesus and get baptized it is a statement that you are serious about that prayer you prayed. Which means you are serious about learning to live for God and your will dies DAILY. If you don't die daily and try to find the ways of your past as fun, you will die, but if you loose your life for Christ sake you will find it. You have a purpose and a destiny being put on this earth. You are put into that purpose as you trust God and turn from your wicked ways. If you love someone you will keep their commands. So for those who call themselves a Christian, start acting like it, start talking like a child of God, stop trying to be something you are not. We are not of this world. Immerse yourself in that bible, ask God for a hunger and thirst for righteousness and do not forget who you represent. You are an ambassador of another world, and someone saw you cussing at everyone on the street, drunk as a skunk, and you were identified as a representative of heaven. Ya right! will go through there minds, or they will say well if a Christian can do it, than so can I. Well if they can get smashed so can I. You have to look different!! Talk is cheap if you do not back up your words with actions. Do not forget what God has called you out of (see Deuteronomy 8).

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