Thursday, July 28, 2011

Alive in Jesus

I am alive in Christ Jesus; I am dead to the world. The world disowned me as I began to leave the things they did, as I stopped talking to them, they made no effort to talk to me. I was rejected, pushed down, not worth anything to them as I left their circle, I found a state of loneliness that no man could ever fix. I tried the ways of the world to fix the pain; I tried the steps that people of the church suggested. It wasn’t till I cried out to Jesus and gave him everything, did he begin to move where no one else could. I began to see the world in a new way. The things of this world did not please me the same way. I began to despise my old ways and remove the things that were hindering me from listening and caring. Things are different now; I no longer have to ask “Am I really saved?” Does God really care? Can I ever go another moment without this great despair? I seek the only God that really loves who I am. I know Him and He knows me on a personal level, even when I disobeyed he waited for me. Even when I didn’t care about walking in freedom He still waited for me. I finally realized it is not about me it is about Him. Not my will but His will be done. I seek answers from Him. I no longer walk through this life aimlessly. Where one forgets, I remember, where one cries, I rejoice, because of the God that lives in me. He is there for the good times and the bad. I know He will never abandon me. I know no how far I fell into darkness it wasn’t too late to turn around. By His grace I am here today to tell you that there is a God who loves you even to the extent of a personal way. When He died on the cross he was thinking of you. The only God to ever die of a broken heart and raise from the dead by his blood my sin has been washed away. God Loves you personally and wants to be with you daily, but unlike others he is a gentleman and does not force you to do anything. He waits for you to return, he waits for you to turn from the wicked ways. And when you return he moves in a mighty way, as he doesn’t remember the wicked ways of your past, but puts a celebration on for you to last. I was once in pain, I tried these things that others say is ok, I felt as if I was pulling away, but now I can say I am no longer part of these things, but I am part of the way that Jesus made. In Him I find peace, in him I find pleasure, In him I escape, In him I have purpose to work for him as a servant for his kingdom. No longer loving the things that are for evil, but loving the one that set me free from the things that I once called who I am. I am the freest person in the world, because I acknowledge him as my Lord and my Savior, to where every thought, every heartbeat, every action is done for his glory. Even though I may sin sometimes, I know I can turn from that and come running back to Him because he loves me. So today I say do you want to live in pain, do you want to live in the bondage what the kingdom of darkness calls fun? Or do you want a new life, a new heart, with a new start where all things are made new… You can today if you believe he died on the Cross and rose from the grave on the 3rd day alive, Accept him into your heart, and Confess with your mouth that he is your Lord and Savior, then start to live a lifestyle of turning away from the old things, and in the process help others get out of the old things which is learned from reading the bible.

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