Tuesday, August 30, 2011



Ephesians 4:27 says “don’t give place (or opportunity) to the devil.” How do we give place to the devil?

The devil has a three prong attack on man: Legal rights, Strongholds, and Domination. This will deal with the first.

I DEFINITION OF LEGAL RIGHT: The first thing you deal with in deliverance is legal rights. You don’t go any-
where in deliverance, deal with anything, until you have dealt with legal rights. This is what
the devil was seeking in his attack on Job. You come into the world with a hedge of pro-
tection – innocence. The devil looks for something that you do or what someone else will
do that allows him to attack you. The devil knows all of the rules to get at us. We lose when
we don’t know them as well. Legal rights are the entries of evil, the ways that demons
actually enter a person. It’s how they get in. You have to deal with the “Demonic Option”. A
demon may not come in when a sin is committed, but wait and bide his time for later when
the sin is stronger. The legal right must be broken to cancel the demonic option.

A. THE “RED HERRING” ISSUES: 1. Possession/Ownership
2. Same vessel/good and evil
DEF: 1. a smoked herring. 2. Something intended to divert attention from the real problem or matter at
hand; a misleading clue. [Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language
© 1989]

The “red herring” issue that possession means ownership.
DEF: 1. act or fact of possessing; 2. state of being possessed; 3. ownership; 4. Law, actual holding or
occupancy, either with or without rights of ownership. [Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged
Dictionary of the English Language © 1989]
QUESTION: – Does a thief own the stolen goods that he possesses; what about a library book?
Possession without ownership; without legal right:
a) Shoplifting
b) Burglary
c) Car Theft/Carjacking
Possession without ownership; with legal right:
1. VEHICLES - Illustration of businessman with stolen car and rental.
a) Rentals
b) Leases
c) Commercial Vehicles
a) Apartments / Town homes / Condos
b) Hotel
c) Business
a) Formal wear – Tuxedo / Ladies gown
b) Graduation robe
c) Equipment – tools / appliances / furniture
d) Borrowed items – ladder / Red Box DVD / library book

CONCLUSION: Ownership is not a requirement of possession nor is it conferred by possession.
False premise = false conclusion. If any part of a premise is false, then the conclusion will be false.
False premise: possession means ownership
False conclusion: Christians cannot be possessed by demons since they are owned by Christ.
Demons don’t need to own you to possess you; all they need is a legal right.

2. The “red herring” issue that the same vessel can’t have good and evil.
No where does the Bible say that a Christian cannot have a demon; it is falsely inferred by using
inappropriate scripture references:

Matt. 7:18 – “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit”
This is not talking about demons but false teachers.
Matt. 12:35 – “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil
man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things”
This is not talking about demons but the words that we speak.
James 3:11 – “Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening”
This is not talking about demons but about speaking cursing and blessing.
CONCLUSION: The Bible does not teach that Christians can’t have demons.
False premise: the same vessel…this would mean that Christ and demons are in the same place.
Man is made in the image of God; (Gen.1:27) God‘s nature is triune – three in one.
Man’s nature is tripartite – body, soul, and spirit. (1Thes. 5:23) Demons cannot
reside in a dead spirit which is the state of a non Christian; therefore they reside in
the soul part of man. When Christ is accepted by a person as their Savior, He brings
the spirit to life and that is where He and the Holy Spirit reside.
False conclusion: Christians cannot be possessed by demons since that would mean that God and
demons reside in the same place.
God and demons are not in the same part of man.
Demons are not automatically kicked out at salvation.

1. It gives Christians a false sense of immunity from demons.
2. It masks the real issue of demonic susceptibility.

1. PERSONALLY CONTRACTED – by you; you opened the door. YOU SINNED!
2. GRANTED BY AUTHORITY – by Parents, School, Employment, Government, Military, etc.

II TYPES OF LEGAL RIGHTS OR ENTRIES: There are thousands of entries, but basically seven that the devil
uses most frequently. They are a combination of things that
you do and what others do. The devil doesn’t arbitrarily get
anyone. They fall into three basic categories:
A. VOLITIONAL ENTRIES – involves the will; things that you do that open you up to the demonic.
1. WILLFULL SIN – Things you’ve done in rebellion to God; a cognizant transgression against the will of
God; deliberate spiritual rebellion; you choose to defy the grace of God.
Demon of Rebellion boast: He has a legal right to everyone – Rom 3:23.
2. ADDICTION – A bondage that controls: e.g. drugs, alcohol, porn. It involves a surrender of the will.
When you neutralize the will, the devil has a legal right to enter. Through mood altered
states, one becomes subject to demons who are always looking for ways to circumvent
the will because by shutting it down, it stops the process of volitional resistance to them.
Addiction is a slow form of death. Each addiction is a potential open door.

1. INVOLUNTARY HEREDITARY TRANSFERANCE – (Generational sins) You had no control over it;
the legal right is involuntary, the result of someone else’s actions. It’s hereditary – it
passes on through the spiritual DNA and transferred in perpetuity, generation after
generation until someone breaks it. Found in ancestral/generational curses – brought
on your life through the sins of the blood line of your family. e.g. Ex 20:5, 34:7

2. OCCULT ENTANGLEMENT/INDULGENCE – Any act of sorcery or divinations. Any of the 9 acts listed
in Deut. 18 develop a contractual obligation (covenant) to the demonic. They are
different from all other sins because they involve a contractual allegiance (legal
contract) to Satan and a cohabitation with evil. e.g. the Ouija board, horoscopes,
psychics. Salvation covers sin for eternal purposes but doesn’t break the contract
with evil of occult sins.
a) “pass through the fire” – worship of Molech: human sacrifice; also includes passing through the fire
in fire walking
b) “witchcraft” or divination – seeking to know the unknown by something outside the normal.

● It takes away the dependence on God
● It is an attack on the person of God
c) “Soothsayer” or observer of times – the devil cannot know the future. e.g. fortune teller, horoscope
d) “omen” or Enchanter – reading of something to gain an insight. e.g. reading tea leaves, tarot cards,
playing the Ouija board
e) “Sorcerer” or Witch – e.g. Harry Potter
f) “conjures spells” or Charmer – uses knots, incantations, curses, dolls for spells
g) “Medium” or Wizard – goes into trances and contacts spirits. e.g. séances, psychics
h) “Spiritist” or Wizard – calls on spirits. e.g. channeler; (games of “light as a feather”, “Bloody Mary”)
i) “Necromancer” – one who calls up the dead

1. ABANDONMENT – The neglect, mistreatment, or abdication of responsibility by those in authority,
like parents. When one who is in spiritual control abandons their responsibility,
then this gives Satan a legal right and carte blanche authority over those who are
abandoned. The person in spiritual authority over you has the right to open the
door to the devil for you.
a) Circumstantial/Situational Abandonment – e.g. death, divorce, workaholic, severe illness or
b) Intentional abandonment – e.g. abuse, incest, molestation, adultery, drug addiction
c) Physical abandonment – not present physically, physical abuse
d) Emotional abandonment – e.g. verbal abuse, failure to show love and nurture

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2. ABUSE – A severe shock to the mind and emotions when trauma occurs. It gives a legal right to the
devil because the built-in spiritual immunological system crashes. It causes an emotional
over-load and conflict that the mind cannot reconcile. It usually causes dissociation. To
break the legal right, not only must the core person forgive the abuser, but any fragmented
personalities created by the abuse must forgive also.
a) Step 1: The physical and emotional traumatization in itself makes one vulnerable
to demonization.

b) Step 2: What happens to us when we’ve been abused. It doesn’t seem fair that
you’re the victim and you get the demon. Don’t look for cosmic justice.
The devil doesn’t play fair. He loves to victimize victims. Abuse can lead
to the development of a root of bitterness and sometimes proceed to full
blown hatred, rage and murder.

3. SOUL TIES – An emotional tie with other persons created through family or close association and
friendship in situations of romance or employment. In employment, they can be created
with a supervisor or subordinate due to the issue of legal authority. They are a doorway
for curses and demons.

Be aware of the connection between curses and demons. Demons carry curses; that’s how the evil is worked out in a person’s life. If you have a curse working in your life, then you have a demon that carries it. Christians can not only have demons, but they can be cursed also – no immunity there. Be alert to evil activities that may come from curses. We will study curses in a later teaching.

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