Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It is time to take ground for the kingdom in the secret place praying and interceding for friends. Praying to God, living a life of prayer. Removing the distractions and evil though intercession. Showing the love of the father when no one else does. It is a time to build a deeper relationship with the father. His love is overwhelming, he loves people so much, and he wants them free. There is a hunger that is stirred up in the heart in worship. To where the dry places become wet, to where the wet places get flooded. Nothing has disqualified the weather from happening, it is just up to us to receive it, and receive it daily. The holy spirit rain that pours love like a fountain for the lost, the hurt, people in addictions, people that do not care, people that don't know what they want but want more. This love is so amazing it is a refreshing grace an merciful promise, that even if we mess up, we still know we are the kings kid. Why? Because we are free and we are loved. The love that is so fulfilling it brings true change that shakes the nations, and proclaims the truth from the mountain tops with no shame or guilt. We are forgiven, and that means that it is like it never happened. So if it never happened we are perfect in his sight. It brings a new reality that makes one unchangeable, because they focus on their father rather than circumstances, like a small child holding their daddys hand as their daddy takes care of them. Jesus reigns, the more we allow him to move in our lives, the more change we get to see, removing the darkness like a small match, to a flash light, to a flood light, till the whole world sees and knows this love by words and actions. It is in the secret place it all begins, and it is rewarded openly in public.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The kingdom life

The kingdom of God is like a movement that can not be stopped. For there is light that shines in all the moment the human is born again. This light is contagious. It brings actions of no shame, guilt, or hate. It is a light that attracts others to wonder why people do something different than what the sin nature says to do. Walking in this light is staying in God's presence. It is a process of getting out of the old nature way, and moving in a new identity that this world does not understand. A supernatural identification that says you are dead to self, and alive in Jesus. This identity brings creativity, love, hope, and a future that is run by the creator of the universe. When in this identity you are in a vehicle of grace and mercy. Doing life together with the one that created you. It is a life that brings prosperity, in being in submission to the king of kings , rather than a fallen one that seeks to kill with your self desires of sin. This makes it a freedom, a people who choose to love the one who loved them first. And when in love, anything becomes possible when lovers work together. This is not a sexual relationship, but a blood covenant intimate relationship with your daddy, the bridegroom, king, and judge. He is a magnificent obsession. This obsession brings life, this love never fails, this is being in a mode that gives authority to demonstrate the defeat of Satan every moment of our lives.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Seeing the unseen is seeing the manifestation of the kingdom. The signs that follow convince the ones who need to believe, prophecy is for edification that confirms the potential, and shows that God does care and know why is in your heart.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Sound is weapon. A voice is a weapon. It will shout the will of God, or shout self will. It is a choice what is to be said, to destroy, to create, to glorify, to manipulate. It is the will of your choosing every moment of your life. Weapons are not for flesh and blood, but bringing down false imaginations and fantasy strongholds. Speak the word of God, create a song to glorify God, play an insterment, make a noice, do something to fight back evil with truth that screams boldness.

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Jesus is the way

Don't put your whole heart in ministry, put your whole heart in Jesus. You are blessed to be a blessing. live life and live life abundantly only through Him this happens. We are vessels, pouring out love not just in the scheduled things but the day to day life activities as well. Freedom is free from bondage, freedom is not getting out of something then jumping back in as a free pass to the good reward.

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The creative ones

There are Many who see what they need to do, but cower in fear. There are many who have the willingness to do something but the how tos not given to them. But then there are those who operate in boldness not knowing much but a simplicity of trust as they desire to step out into the crowd and do the unthinkable. Creativity that changes the atmosphere will happen more and more as people walk in the divine identity of which personality is given. Normal is being like everyone else, or a lot of times someone else, which brings confusion, fear, and discouragement. But walking in a belief of being of sound mind, having power, and love, shakes the normals of society to point, persecute, and judge. By any means it is important to the ones that think they are the ruler of their own world, to shut the creative ones up, or reject them. The creative ones are not of this world. They are a different breed. They don't push anything on someone, they inform others of truth and show by their actions to go against the normal or status quo. There is a general understanding of the truth in many, but there are few who operate in truth who turn the world upside down. These people are hated for success, hated for the sole reason of their faith in Jesus Christ, being sold out to Him by Him being Lord over their thoughts and actions, and savior over their lives. They have given up their right to understand, they so not worry, but the trust in the Devine being Jesus Christ not to do life for them, but to do life with them. These people are free, forerunners that spread good news to let others know that people don't have to walk in poverty, but in blessing. As long as any man lives they have a choice to live for Jesus the Lord of the universe or live for the fallen angel Satan. Once this choice is made, when they die they have received the reward of what they did with their actions and words. There is no in between, if you say you are a creative one, but you do not operate with your actions as one, then what do your words mean. These motives you had on earth have motivated you to make choices to bring you to the point of your knees, or standing with the crowd that says "it is my life and I will do what I want to". The end of the day you may fool man, but you can never fool God. He loves us enough to let us choose to love him back.

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Sunday, October 23, 2011




Lie – Freddy Kruger, Jason, and zombies are just harmless spooky make-believe.
Truth – It is a shocking reality that people actually do the horrible things shown in the movies.
Truth – It deadens the shock effect of real atrocities.
Truth – It cheapens the value of life.

Lie – Halloween is just harmless fantasy. The devil is only mythological and not a real being.
Truth – It trivializes dabbling in witchcraft.
Truth – It reduces the devil to a cartoon figure.

Lie – Ghosts and witches are good; there is a difference between “white magic” and “black magic”
Truth – Dealing in the spirit world is NOT harmless.
Truth – Witchcraft is an abomination to God. Deut.18:10-12 “For ALL who do these things…”

Lie – We should live in fear and try to manipulate spirits.
Truth – 2Tim.1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear...” 365 “fear nots” in the Bible
Truth – 1Cor.15:55 “O death, where is thy sting? O death, where is your victory?


Hoax – Giving treats can stave off evil and mollify evil spirits. Luke10:19 “Behold…over all the power…”

Hoax – Watch out for the Grim Reaper!

This is the false thought behind séances; it is popularized in “Whisperer” TV series.

Hoax – Your fortune can be discovered by Ouija boards, séances, reading palms, etc.

It is the whole idea behind “trick or treat”.

Hoax – They’re just Wiccas that keep close to nature. Paganism is an alternative to religion.

Hoax – Ghosts are spirits of the dead that can’t leave the earth until some issue is resolved.

Hoax – “Spook houses” are just fun experiences.
Hoax – “Horror movies are nothing bad.

Hoax – It’s just a seasonal excuse to wear costumes and party to have fun.

Hoax – It’s supposed to be the time when the barrier between the living and the dead is the weakest.
Hoax – The dead can come back to haunt you.

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Fan the flame

We are called to be servant leaders. We as the body of Christ are sons and daughters of the living God. Our focus is to honor God with our time and all our possessions. There are times where some get lazy, there are times when some will give the appearance of being great. The truth of the matter is though you can fool man all you want, but our Father is watching, and he knows your motives. We must be doers of the word out of love. Too many seek to give the appearance of "look at me I look awesome" but in reality they do nothing with the vision where they are called to be at. If love is not there what is the point? You can give lip service all you want but if you are not willing to take responsibility and grow with the knowledge and share that knowledge with others, why even show up. The kingdom of God is operating in love, so if we don't operate in love then we are missing the mark. We must fan the flame by worshiping God while being around others. If we seek to please man we will become like man, if we seek to please God by serving man, we become like Jesus. The saddest thing is when someone is given multiple opportunities to do something great, and they turn it down and run away from the opportunity giver then try to find another place of which they are asked the same thing, commitment. If you are not willing to grow but give the appearance of wanting to show, but thinking in your mind "when can I go" then why even show if you do not want to use what you know. The big thing is Jesus holds us accountable for what we know, much is required, but if we are selfish and have no desire to be around other brothers and sisters in Christ because they want you to move with them, then you might as well stay home and be alone. For we are called to participate with each other to move in prophecy, healing, and deliverance; with our actions we must glorify God at all times, others are watching to see if you really are like the Jesus you proclaim to be Lord over every thing you are.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The presence of God

If you want to stay out of trouble stay in His presence. Have a commitment to press forward. Do you have a music player, listen and worship him through out the day. Are you a believer? The Holy Spirit is right there inside you, talk to Him tell Him what your going through ask Him for help in what your doing. He longs to have a deep relationship with you. In a secular word environment? As soon as you can leave the environment play worship music. Have a passion for God, read your bible in the secret place in the morning, ask the Holy Spirit what to read. God is not boring, we make Him boring when we allow fear and other things that counterfeit time spending time with Him. His word says to honor God with all your possessions. Delight in Him an you will find rest, peace, knowing throughout the day the greater one lives in side of you. Have faith in God, acknowledge Him in everything you do. You will like a foolish one to the world, but you will be like a loving child to your daddy. Why? Because the more time with Him the more you be like Him full of joy and peace that marvels the minds of the world.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011



Ephesians 4:27 says “don’t give place (or opportunity) to the devil.” How do we give place to the devil?

The devil has a three prong attack on man: Legal rights, Strongholds, and Domination. This will deal with the first.

I DEFINITION OF LEGAL RIGHT: The first thing you deal with in deliverance is legal rights. You don’t go any-
where in deliverance, deal with anything, until you have dealt with legal rights. This is what
the devil was seeking in his attack on Job. You come into the world with a hedge of pro-
tection – innocence. The devil looks for something that you do or what someone else will
do that allows him to attack you. The devil knows all of the rules to get at us. We lose when
we don’t know them as well. Legal rights are the entries of evil, the ways that demons
actually enter a person. It’s how they get in. You have to deal with the “Demonic Option”. A
demon may not come in when a sin is committed, but wait and bide his time for later when
the sin is stronger. The legal right must be broken to cancel the demonic option.

A. THE “RED HERRING” ISSUES: 1. Possession/Ownership
2. Same vessel/good and evil
DEF: 1. a smoked herring. 2. Something intended to divert attention from the real problem or matter at
hand; a misleading clue. [Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language
© 1989]

The “red herring” issue that possession means ownership.
DEF: 1. act or fact of possessing; 2. state of being possessed; 3. ownership; 4. Law, actual holding or
occupancy, either with or without rights of ownership. [Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged
Dictionary of the English Language © 1989]
QUESTION: – Does a thief own the stolen goods that he possesses; what about a library book?
Possession without ownership; without legal right:
a) Shoplifting
b) Burglary
c) Car Theft/Carjacking
Possession without ownership; with legal right:
1. VEHICLES - Illustration of businessman with stolen car and rental.
a) Rentals
b) Leases
c) Commercial Vehicles
a) Apartments / Town homes / Condos
b) Hotel
c) Business
a) Formal wear – Tuxedo / Ladies gown
b) Graduation robe
c) Equipment – tools / appliances / furniture
d) Borrowed items – ladder / Red Box DVD / library book

CONCLUSION: Ownership is not a requirement of possession nor is it conferred by possession.
False premise = false conclusion. If any part of a premise is false, then the conclusion will be false.
False premise: possession means ownership
False conclusion: Christians cannot be possessed by demons since they are owned by Christ.
Demons don’t need to own you to possess you; all they need is a legal right.

2. The “red herring” issue that the same vessel can’t have good and evil.
No where does the Bible say that a Christian cannot have a demon; it is falsely inferred by using
inappropriate scripture references:

Matt. 7:18 – “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit”
This is not talking about demons but false teachers.
Matt. 12:35 – “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil
man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things”
This is not talking about demons but the words that we speak.
James 3:11 – “Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening”
This is not talking about demons but about speaking cursing and blessing.
CONCLUSION: The Bible does not teach that Christians can’t have demons.
False premise: the same vessel…this would mean that Christ and demons are in the same place.
Man is made in the image of God; (Gen.1:27) God‘s nature is triune – three in one.
Man’s nature is tripartite – body, soul, and spirit. (1Thes. 5:23) Demons cannot
reside in a dead spirit which is the state of a non Christian; therefore they reside in
the soul part of man. When Christ is accepted by a person as their Savior, He brings
the spirit to life and that is where He and the Holy Spirit reside.
False conclusion: Christians cannot be possessed by demons since that would mean that God and
demons reside in the same place.
God and demons are not in the same part of man.
Demons are not automatically kicked out at salvation.

1. It gives Christians a false sense of immunity from demons.
2. It masks the real issue of demonic susceptibility.

1. PERSONALLY CONTRACTED – by you; you opened the door. YOU SINNED!
2. GRANTED BY AUTHORITY – by Parents, School, Employment, Government, Military, etc.

II TYPES OF LEGAL RIGHTS OR ENTRIES: There are thousands of entries, but basically seven that the devil
uses most frequently. They are a combination of things that
you do and what others do. The devil doesn’t arbitrarily get
anyone. They fall into three basic categories:
A. VOLITIONAL ENTRIES – involves the will; things that you do that open you up to the demonic.
1. WILLFULL SIN – Things you’ve done in rebellion to God; a cognizant transgression against the will of
God; deliberate spiritual rebellion; you choose to defy the grace of God.
Demon of Rebellion boast: He has a legal right to everyone – Rom 3:23.
2. ADDICTION – A bondage that controls: e.g. drugs, alcohol, porn. It involves a surrender of the will.
When you neutralize the will, the devil has a legal right to enter. Through mood altered
states, one becomes subject to demons who are always looking for ways to circumvent
the will because by shutting it down, it stops the process of volitional resistance to them.
Addiction is a slow form of death. Each addiction is a potential open door.

1. INVOLUNTARY HEREDITARY TRANSFERANCE – (Generational sins) You had no control over it;
the legal right is involuntary, the result of someone else’s actions. It’s hereditary – it
passes on through the spiritual DNA and transferred in perpetuity, generation after
generation until someone breaks it. Found in ancestral/generational curses – brought
on your life through the sins of the blood line of your family. e.g. Ex 20:5, 34:7

2. OCCULT ENTANGLEMENT/INDULGENCE – Any act of sorcery or divinations. Any of the 9 acts listed
in Deut. 18 develop a contractual obligation (covenant) to the demonic. They are
different from all other sins because they involve a contractual allegiance (legal
contract) to Satan and a cohabitation with evil. e.g. the Ouija board, horoscopes,
psychics. Salvation covers sin for eternal purposes but doesn’t break the contract
with evil of occult sins.
a) “pass through the fire” – worship of Molech: human sacrifice; also includes passing through the fire
in fire walking
b) “witchcraft” or divination – seeking to know the unknown by something outside the normal.

● It takes away the dependence on God
● It is an attack on the person of God
c) “Soothsayer” or observer of times – the devil cannot know the future. e.g. fortune teller, horoscope
d) “omen” or Enchanter – reading of something to gain an insight. e.g. reading tea leaves, tarot cards,
playing the Ouija board
e) “Sorcerer” or Witch – e.g. Harry Potter
f) “conjures spells” or Charmer – uses knots, incantations, curses, dolls for spells
g) “Medium” or Wizard – goes into trances and contacts spirits. e.g. séances, psychics
h) “Spiritist” or Wizard – calls on spirits. e.g. channeler; (games of “light as a feather”, “Bloody Mary”)
i) “Necromancer” – one who calls up the dead

1. ABANDONMENT – The neglect, mistreatment, or abdication of responsibility by those in authority,
like parents. When one who is in spiritual control abandons their responsibility,
then this gives Satan a legal right and carte blanche authority over those who are
abandoned. The person in spiritual authority over you has the right to open the
door to the devil for you.
a) Circumstantial/Situational Abandonment – e.g. death, divorce, workaholic, severe illness or
b) Intentional abandonment – e.g. abuse, incest, molestation, adultery, drug addiction
c) Physical abandonment – not present physically, physical abuse
d) Emotional abandonment – e.g. verbal abuse, failure to show love and nurture

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2. ABUSE – A severe shock to the mind and emotions when trauma occurs. It gives a legal right to the
devil because the built-in spiritual immunological system crashes. It causes an emotional
over-load and conflict that the mind cannot reconcile. It usually causes dissociation. To
break the legal right, not only must the core person forgive the abuser, but any fragmented
personalities created by the abuse must forgive also.
a) Step 1: The physical and emotional traumatization in itself makes one vulnerable
to demonization.

b) Step 2: What happens to us when we’ve been abused. It doesn’t seem fair that
you’re the victim and you get the demon. Don’t look for cosmic justice.
The devil doesn’t play fair. He loves to victimize victims. Abuse can lead
to the development of a root of bitterness and sometimes proceed to full
blown hatred, rage and murder.

3. SOUL TIES – An emotional tie with other persons created through family or close association and
friendship in situations of romance or employment. In employment, they can be created
with a supervisor or subordinate due to the issue of legal authority. They are a doorway
for curses and demons.

Be aware of the connection between curses and demons. Demons carry curses; that’s how the evil is worked out in a person’s life. If you have a curse working in your life, then you have a demon that carries it. Christians can not only have demons, but they can be cursed also – no immunity there. Be alert to evil activities that may come from curses. We will study curses in a later teaching.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Prayer of Petition

We can come boldly before the throne of God and remind Him of His word like a lawyer reminds a judge in court of past cases. The keyword is to construct. We can make petitions based on the known will of God. Say, "I know what I am going to get what I ask God for" (see I John 5:14). Do research by finding scripture to see where in the bible are the promises that back up what you ask for. Presenting the word of God back to God puts things in motion and it will not return void (see Isaiah 55:11). We have to be obedient to God for the blessing works when were (see Deuteronomy 28). If we repent and overcome and start walking in the way God wants us to live then things will start working out (see Psalm 25:7, Psalm 35:7, Deuteronomy 29:9, Psalm 122:6, 3 John 2, Philippians 4:14, Philippians 4:19, Job 36:11, Psalm 1:1-3, Psalm 3:8, Proverbs 10:32, 2 Chronicles 26:5). He has given us power to gain wealth as it talks about in Deuteronomy; We must pray where to so seed (see Psalm 20:1 and Psalm 118:25). He will never forget a seed sown. We must write this prayer down so when the voices say no way it can't be done, we can pull it out and say "it is written". A witness can also have a copy for them to stand in agreement with you according to Matthew 18:19. It looks like a legal document before the throne of God.

Here is an example of a Prayer of Petition for Finances:

Be it Known this day, ____________, _______(am/pm), I receive a heavenly grant in the amount of
$________________, Father, in the name of Jesus, I come boldly to the throne of grace and present Your Word.

According to John 16:23, Jesus said "I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that My Father will grant you whatever you ask in My Name,"(AMP). 

Jesus, You said in Mark 11:24, "Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe (trust and be confident) thatit is granted you, and you will [get it]," (AMP)

Your Word states in Luke 6:38 "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto your bosom." In accordance with Your Word, I give and I sow seed, in order ti set this spiritual law to work in my behalf.

Because I am "a cheerful (joyous, 'prompt to do it') giver [whose heart is in his giving]" You make "all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to me in abundance, so that O am always and under all circumstances and whatever the need self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation]" (2 Cor. 9:7-8, with personal paraphrase)

According to Matthew 18:18, I bind Satan and all his forces, and I render them helpless and unable to operate against me. They will not hinder my grant.

According to Hebrews 1:13-14, I loose the ministering spirits, and I charge them to go forth and cause my grant to come into my hands.


(Witness Signature)


Believe the Unbeliveable

We are given the power to over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease (see Matt 10:1) These are the How to's on believing the unbelievable. Fear tolerated is faith contaminated. Step 1: form a team (see Matt 10:2). Get people of like precious faith. Not people of faith. Someone who shares the same vision. Someone who understands, make the vision plain. Ideas are great power, but you got to have a team. The best team wins. Time has a lot to do with a good idea. Ask for help, it is not a sign of weakness. Vision is ahead of money. Never quit when you suffer loss. Press always to victory. Step 2: have a plan, see the big picture. Plan in you work, work your plan don't have someone else to do it for you. Step 3: It is hard for people to grasp a concept without a picture to see. Step 4: Show up when no one else does and keep showing up. Sound of thinking must be the loudest noise in the ministry. Venture out of your comfort zone. To build a ministry or dream you must be uncomfortable which is a plus in life. It keeps you alert like hunting in cold weather. Step 5: You must find ways to expand vision, influence, and contribution.


Faith is where the Action is. Say " I believe in the word of faith". Believing what God says is faith based on what God says is scripture, speaking scripture is the way we live. This is why we dont have a new bible every year. It is alive and it is strong. It is supernatural. It moves mountains. Faith changes everything. It is a spiritual law. Poverty is a curse. Faith is a substance (see Hebrews 11:1 and Hebrews 10:32). Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (see Romans 10:17). Believe, Say it and stand on it, don't doubt, thank God for it, receive it. Speak to it (see Mark 11:22-24) , I believe I receive I stand on (Mark 11:22-24) and be removed (insert problem, example: debt) and command you to leave, you will be paid in Jesus name. We must be quick to pray and not let the enemy walk all over us, for we are given power to trample over snakes and scorpions (see Luke 10:19).

The Blessing

Bless means to empower. The Blessed are the empowered to bless and empower on His level. Cursed is loss, failure, and death. But Blessed is nothing missing, nothing broken, life abundantly. Faith is a "must to" for victory. The Blessing of Abraham is a Human Race 2.0 that makes us blessed to be a blessing. Christ who is the Messiah which means Anointed One, The Anointing. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (see Philippians 4:13). He has delivered us from darkness so that we have grace and peace (see Colossians 1:1-8). We are not saved by works but by grace (see Ephesians 2). God is going to reveal things to us and through us as we daily seek Him.

Alive in Jesus

I am alive in Christ Jesus; I am dead to the world. The world disowned me as I began to leave the things they did, as I stopped talking to them, they made no effort to talk to me. I was rejected, pushed down, not worth anything to them as I left their circle, I found a state of loneliness that no man could ever fix. I tried the ways of the world to fix the pain; I tried the steps that people of the church suggested. It wasn’t till I cried out to Jesus and gave him everything, did he begin to move where no one else could. I began to see the world in a new way. The things of this world did not please me the same way. I began to despise my old ways and remove the things that were hindering me from listening and caring. Things are different now; I no longer have to ask “Am I really saved?” Does God really care? Can I ever go another moment without this great despair? I seek the only God that really loves who I am. I know Him and He knows me on a personal level, even when I disobeyed he waited for me. Even when I didn’t care about walking in freedom He still waited for me. I finally realized it is not about me it is about Him. Not my will but His will be done. I seek answers from Him. I no longer walk through this life aimlessly. Where one forgets, I remember, where one cries, I rejoice, because of the God that lives in me. He is there for the good times and the bad. I know He will never abandon me. I know no how far I fell into darkness it wasn’t too late to turn around. By His grace I am here today to tell you that there is a God who loves you even to the extent of a personal way. When He died on the cross he was thinking of you. The only God to ever die of a broken heart and raise from the dead by his blood my sin has been washed away. God Loves you personally and wants to be with you daily, but unlike others he is a gentleman and does not force you to do anything. He waits for you to return, he waits for you to turn from the wicked ways. And when you return he moves in a mighty way, as he doesn’t remember the wicked ways of your past, but puts a celebration on for you to last. I was once in pain, I tried these things that others say is ok, I felt as if I was pulling away, but now I can say I am no longer part of these things, but I am part of the way that Jesus made. In Him I find peace, in him I find pleasure, In him I escape, In him I have purpose to work for him as a servant for his kingdom. No longer loving the things that are for evil, but loving the one that set me free from the things that I once called who I am. I am the freest person in the world, because I acknowledge him as my Lord and my Savior, to where every thought, every heartbeat, every action is done for his glory. Even though I may sin sometimes, I know I can turn from that and come running back to Him because he loves me. So today I say do you want to live in pain, do you want to live in the bondage what the kingdom of darkness calls fun? Or do you want a new life, a new heart, with a new start where all things are made new… You can today if you believe he died on the Cross and rose from the grave on the 3rd day alive, Accept him into your heart, and Confess with your mouth that he is your Lord and Savior, then start to live a lifestyle of turning away from the old things, and in the process help others get out of the old things which is learned from reading the bible.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Pure Heart

We as Christians must live with a pure heart (see Matthew 5:8). The purer we get the more we can be used by God. To give an example, we must be like gasoline for God. Crude oil is purified to become kerosene, and kerosene is refined to become gasoline which burns stronger and more effectively. We must be set apart from the things of this world (see 1 John 2:15), and do everything with kingdom purpose ( see Colossians 3:17). To do this we must live a life with the holy spirit. To live a life with the holy spirit we must have a relationship with Him. Talking to Him as you talk to a person one on one. He will guide and direct your path. When we do things of the world, we grieve the holy spirit. He is like a dove, he is there, but like a dove he easily can not be around when you want him if you are not living right. To give a clearer example He is like a man knocking at your bed room door, and when he knocks at the door, you are laying in bed and don't want to get up because that requires movement. So eventually he stops knocking. And then when you need Him, you can't find him, so you have to seek Him out. We must live a holy lifestyle (1 Peter 1:13-17). Usually we get stressed and sin, but we must cast our cares to God for he cares for us (see  1 Peter 5:7) We must repent from our wicked ways. You can't have one foot in the grave and the rest of your self trying to live for God (see James 1:8). We are righteous on the inside, but on the outside we have to work out our salvation. The holy spirit that lives on the inside will help us do that as we persistently seek Him. Then it will get to the point where you will not speak the things you used to speak, do the things you used to to, and act the way you used to act, because you will not want to. Walking in the spirit will become natural, and walking in the flesh will become not normal for you. This is when people will think you are an alien (see John 18:36). Ask the Holy Spirit for strength, ask him for the gift of faith, and if you are not yet immersed Him by the fill you with the power of the holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in tounges and he will. Many Christians are able to overcome temptation by praying in tounges when tempted because it edifies them ( see I Corinthians 14:4). It gives the a hunger and desire for holiness and manifests the love of God (see Romans 5:5 and Jude 1:20-23). If we do not live a holy lifestyle we will not go to heaven (see Hebrews 12:14). We must repent (to turn away from) and be persistent towards the things of God and live a lifestyle of fasting and praying putting our trust in God, and not in things that have no eternal value. God loves us and we must pledge our allegiance to Jesus ( see John 14:15). Life is so better with God and for God, then for what God wants but not for God (see John 15:10) better than any drug or alcohol you could ever taste for these things manipulate the holy spirit power and have consequences of death (see Hosea 4:6). Now you know, Get to know more of God today!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Justice is conceived through blood, divine purity
everyday love is agape ,its a new day a new way,let fear escape, those that are forgiven dont have to be afraid
your light was purged in flames
arise,levitate out of the ashes of gravity
seperate from society
in heaven you qualify for equity
the eyes of a lion
are heighten in the holy city of zion
Jesus influenced the magna carter
welcome to the place where we celebrities martyrs
a celebration that is everlasting ,its never passing
Justice is conceived through blood, divine purity
who is Jesus Christ? The perfect man that is celebrated
for eternty.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Jealousy of God and Intimacy

God loves us so much.  He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to be our atonement…to pay the price for our sins. (John 3:16-18) God loves us so much that He is jealous over us.  Some would say that jealousy is a bad thing, but everything that God is is right and good…God is holy and He is love.  So even His jealousy is holy and rooted in love.  He is jealous over us with a passionate love. God longs for intimacy with His people…and by embracing…by yielding…by abandoning ourselves to His loving and passionate jealousy, we release God to move in our situation…we invite God to encounter us.

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.  Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God”,… (Exodus 20:4-5a).  Not only do we make materialism, hobbies, people, graven images our idols…problems, trials, threats, attacks, persecution, sin…we make these things our idols…our god…our identity when in actuality, they are hindrances and distractions sent to capture our attention from God and His Word and keep us from entering into intimacy with Him. (Mark 4:17)
When we act in fear and trembling over our problems or over our enemies, we make those things our idols…we bow our knees to them and serve them…We make those things bigger than God.  But God is greater than our problems, the attacks of the enemy, even the sin that we battle with.  God tells us to have no other Gods before Him because He is the only true and living God and He loves us.  For us to have true intimacy with God, we can’t have idols.
Let us pursue after God (James 4:6-8a;  Hebrews 12:1-3), carelessly forsaking our sin, shame, guilt, condemnation, worry, anxiety, fear, unforgiveness, resentment, offenses, idolatry, insecurity… everything that distracts us from God’s jealous love.
May the greatness of our sin, problems and storms melt away in the gaze of our Lover.   May we cast aside the weights that have easily beset us and carelessly abandon ourselves to God’s desire…to His love.  Let us focus our gaze on the lovingly jealous and passionate gaze of our lover Jesus Christ.  For nothing else…no one else is worthy of our gaze but Him. 

Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord. (2 Peter 1:2 KJV).

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sin must obey

1 John 1:8- If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
“I never ever was not a sinner, but I wasn’t always forgiven.”-Fabrice N. Saidi
The truth is that you have sinned, you will sin, and you are sinning. Sin is past, future, and present. So the first step to defeating something that will always be there, is acknowledging that it will always be there. So you have to become conscious of it, not self conscious. Self consciousness is trying to fix something that you cannot fix, its bringing condemnation on yourself. You become aware of the smallest action always feeling like your watched or that you have to prove yourself to yourself or others. Sometimes self consciousness can be a lower form of a perfectionistwith a greater emphasis on judgment on others and yourself. Many believer and unbelievers alike are self conscious about sin, and are viewing it through a traditional and religious way. Mostly because of the communistic 21 century churches influential views. The church looks at sin as some kind of terrorist trying to destroy them, but in reality sin is truth. Truth in a sense of evident of your dying need of consecration to a savior. The church puts a sense of condemnation (non verbally) on people that fall into sin or back slide; they look at them as Judas. People may not say it, but it’s a non- verbal communication through posture towards you, gesture, facial expression, and lack of eye contact or too much eye contact vice versa, or negative movement (not wanting to socialize with you, sitting away from you). They actually have a kind of persona as if to say “I’m holier than you”. 65-93% of meaning is determined by nonverbal factors. And people try to be something there not that’s why most of the people that you think have it all together really don’t. Let’s take off the church mask and come back to reality.”There is no such thing as better only Christ! You can’t empty a dark room you must turn on the light. When you realize the truth that you’ll always be a sinner you won’t try so hard to be something you’re not. You must view sin as a tool of learning not something to bring condemnation upon yourself. When you few it as condemnation that’s when you’ll realize how much you do it, and it will control you. Those believers that have fallen into sin, or are struggling with sin, most change their prospective on sin, and they’ll start to rule over it. Genesis 4:7-“If you do well, will you not be accepted? And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.” You most view doing well, as in doing well on a test will you indeed not pass? You most learn from your sin and when temptation comes you will do well on passing through it, but if you view it as just a tool of condemnation how can you learn from it at all? That’s why Jesus died and went to hell and rose and had preeminence over everything. He freely gives you has nature and power to master sin. In order to master something you must learn from it, and if you don’t do it how can you learn from it? That’s why 1 John 1:8- says if you think you have no sin you deceive yourself, because that’s not the truth. Of course people (mainly the church believers that are under the power of a strong routine religious spirit) will look at you as Judas, but keep fighting start strategizing, figure out how you fell in it and what you can do to not let it happen again. Remember God looks at the heart. So when believers look at you as Judas he looks at you as Peter. We must adapt that same mentality; let’s start looking out of love .Psalm 139:12-Indeed,the darkness shall not hid from you, But the night shines as day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You. We are all sinners so we must testify to the world out of love, that it is not us believers that are righteous but the Jesus that is in us Is. Psalm 51:13-then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinner shall be converted to You. There is no such thing as better only Christ….! Theres no such thing as better only Christ…..! When we convert to the ways of Love, than the unbelievers will see the truth of Christ. Again I say, the time is coming when the true believer will be known for their love, not their confession.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Have Faith In God

Luke 18 Will God return and find faith in the earth? We must be persistent. This is the day of testing. We must maintain what we need. 5 virgins went to a marriage and got the oil they needed. 5 virgins did not. We are not some random act. This is the stage of God's play. It is not we are just now saved. That's the simple procedure. Saved and getting excited that God did. It is deeper than that. We are the continuum of Hebrews 11:39-40 and 12:1-2. We must believe God like Abraham did. We must get a love affair with God's promises. We must have great faith! We must get up and move. Great men and women of faith are moving! They are preaching, singing, serving in the church. Do you want to turn the world upside down? The devil knows that he has a part to play. It is his plan to have us to abandon the course of faith. Revival is still a supernatural thing. We are facing opposition in this hour. Why are people going mad in the church? Because the enemy is after your faith. He will attack everything you believe. He is after all saints. He is running out of time. He can not stop the bible because he cannot stop the church. There is alternative doctrine in our day. There is a doctrine that will tell you that the promise of revival can be done by methods. There is a doctrine that says we got to make church not seem like church. The old way of the churches according to this doctrine back in the day don't work. God wants to us to preach and live Acts 2:38. The church still has faith, and the message does work. When we worship we must be anchored in biblical truth. How do we partake of Abraham's faith? The same way He did. Faith is you stop when God says stop. Leaping for joy faith comes when we participate and not sit around like a bump on a log at church. Everything that happens is taking you to your promise it is not just another sermon. Pray and Fast, people need a preacher. They don't need a philosopher. They need someone that prays for them. Young preachers especially. They will sound like the one that has raised them spiritually. That is a powerful way to know that you can get a miracle. Because if it set them free it can set you free. What the difference is a preacher is in compromise. It is like Abraham going to sleep with Hagar. You may produce something. It is not spiritual. God has to wipe it off the seen to raise up an Issac. We must love God and keep his commands. We must do what the pastor says on Sunday morning. We must be on the same page, we must have Revival atmosphere. We must as the church pray and fast. In time it will come. We must remain persistent. 1. Don't say revival is in your future. Say it is now. Change your vocabulary. Lift up your head O ye gates. The Lord is coming. You must talk about it before you can have it. 2. Lift up your eyes. Want to win your city. Be nice to people. Pray all you want for your neighbor. But you got to go out and meet that neighbor and be meet them. Look at them. Until you look you will not love them. 3. The fields are white already. White wheat falls off when you touch it. So go touch it. You will never reach your city till you weep over it. Start making driving plans to go around the city. Stop making plans to "hang out" with the saints. We must weep over them. Cry out to God for laborers. We spend to much time on the alter we have gone over all the wrong things. We must see that the others are following the beat of the false god of this world. We must cry out to God and ask how we can make some noise loud enough for them to hear us. We must listen to the holy spirit and stop being to busy to listen. Before you get offended in the church go out and get offended on what the devil is doing to mess up someone's life.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Love of God

We as Christians MUST live a life a holy life style, for without holiness no one will go to heaven (see Hebrews 12:14). When you give your life to Jesus, this does not mean you get a sin free pass. Yes there is God's grace if we mess up, yes we repent, but its a process of turning away from these things. But a lot of Christians today seem to not want to turn away from these things and live in total rebellion to what God says. They would rather hold on to their sin as a lifestyle than give it to God. Warning this is bad for your spiritual and physical health. When you live like the world you look like the world. There is no power in your testimony. You have the possibility to only go on church on Sunday and maybe have a God time in the morning. But it is more than those 2 acts. We are supposed to be set apart from the things of this world (see 1 Peter 1:13-19). If you want to go to hell, just ignore all this... but if you want to be holy and go to heaven REPENT! "What does repent mean? to say I'm sorry?" Yes! but it also means to turn 180 degrees the other way. So you learn not to do that. When sin is fully grown you die (see James 1:15 and see Hosea 4:6). Most Christians find their identity in entertainment. They dress up like it, they talk like it, and they act like it. Some even go to conventions doing those three. The love of the father is not in you if you love the things of this world (see I John 2:15). We must put our identity in Christ Jesus our LORD. How we do that is by learning the word, speaking the word, talking to the Holy Spirit that lives within us. Giving him complete control. If we continue to love the things of the world we love death. When you give your live to Jesus and get baptized it is a statement that you are serious about that prayer you prayed. Which means you are serious about learning to live for God and your will dies DAILY. If you don't die daily and try to find the ways of your past as fun, you will die, but if you loose your life for Christ sake you will find it. You have a purpose and a destiny being put on this earth. You are put into that purpose as you trust God and turn from your wicked ways. If you love someone you will keep their commands. So for those who call themselves a Christian, start acting like it, start talking like a child of God, stop trying to be something you are not. We are not of this world. Immerse yourself in that bible, ask God for a hunger and thirst for righteousness and do not forget who you represent. You are an ambassador of another world, and someone saw you cussing at everyone on the street, drunk as a skunk, and you were identified as a representative of heaven. Ya right! will go through there minds, or they will say well if a Christian can do it, than so can I. Well if they can get smashed so can I. You have to look different!! Talk is cheap if you do not back up your words with actions. Do not forget what God has called you out of (see Deuteronomy 8).

Friday, May 20, 2011

Living a life of Worship

We all live a life of worship. Worship is reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred.  What do you invest your time in? Where do you put your money?  As a Christian it is important that we give our entire heart to God. There comes a time where one can get bored and pick up habits that become a lifestyle of picking up things we don't really need to put in our eye gate and ear gate. Video games, movies, television can be ways that can keep you distracted from worshiping God. Always showing up to buy the next best one, always trying to keep up with what everyone else has, always trying to be something your not. Ultimately this can lead to you not fulfill God's purpose on your life because you are trying to find your identity in that think you desire so much. We serve a jealous God. We are are set apart from the world's lifestyles but too many times we see what others are doing around us and feel the need of acceptance by doing what they do, for sometimes the sole purpose of something to talk about. We must live to glorify God in everything we do (see 1 Cor. 10:31). We must make a difference in our life as a Christian and live by the holy spirit. The idea is the process of knowing the truth from what the word of God says and applying that scripture to your life (see 1 Peter 1:14-16).

Monday, April 11, 2011

Love must hate HATE.

1 John 4:20- if anyone says, " I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he his seen,cannot love God,whom he has not seen.
God is love,so if you love Love you'll become an object of love. It becomes natural,you dont have to try, it just is. Your nature is love first ask question later. From knowing God you begin to have a nature of love,it naturally happens.Your personal relationship with Love is the only thing that will make you Love without common sense. Those that hate still don't know the love of God which is the essence of love.The father of lies is the devil his the author of hate; make it a goal that you will not be subjected to his authority, I will never hate a human.I was created to hate one thing and that is hate itself, which is a spirit, the devil and his kingdom.Psalm 139:22-I have nothing but hatred for them;I count them my enemies.If you love you most hate. If you love life you most hate death. If you love the truth you most hate a lie,and if you love Love you most hate Hate.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Perfect Love casts out all fear!

1 John 4:18- There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

“…the only thing we have to fear is fear itself…”-Franklin D. Roosevelt

Fear is the most powerful weapon Lucifer (the devil) and his kingdom uses. Fear is actually just belief. The biblical story of Job is one of the greatest tragedies a human has ever had to endure and overcome. Most would say that it wasn’t right for that to happen to a man of his stature and character; it was just not fair he did nothing wrong. But let’s look at scripture and you’ll find out why it really happened, and the power of fear in full effect. Job 3:25- For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me. Fear is belief what Job believed (feared) happened. That’s why it’s so important to destroy all forms of fear to receive and know the perfect love of God, and give the devil no ground. Fear is agreeing with the devils lies, and shaking has hand and saying I believe!!! When you fear you put your faith in the devil, and that allows him to have influence on what materializes in your life. Proclaim this over your life; I have no faith in the devil!!! I have no faith in the devil!!! I have no faith in the devil!!! Now start to break all the agreements of fear that you have with him (a suggestion, ask the holy spirit to expose to you all your fears some my have been from childhood, and some you never knew you did you’ve been doing it unconsciously, some of your fears are wrapped up in your action not your thoughts, you really have to get personal and go deep into the core of your existence, you’ll be shocked to see what he reveals to you). If you do that I believe that you will break the curse of fear from your life, and as you become consciously aware of it you will start to see the power of love manifest in your life and do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think. Don’t be weary if it doesn’t immediately happen; it’s a process that takes time, but if you keep exercising your power over fear you will see it destroyed forever. There’ll be no faith left for the devil and his lies, and all your faith will be transported to God. Then you’ll start to see God reveal Himself to you in ways that you could never imagine. Your eyes will be opened to the 21 century church that has married fear and forsaken Christ. They build barriers, and are very cautious, not out of wisdom but out of fear. Don’t touch, don’t go, don’t say, fearful people limit themselves and submit to the rules and regulations of society, believers and unbelievers alike. Fear just as Love is a universal language one is limited and the other is limitless. Colossians 2:20-22 Therefore if you died with Christ from the basics principles of the world, why ,as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulation,21- do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,”22-which all concern things which perish with the using according to the commandments and doctrines of men? Fear is for those who don’t know the true love of God, and subject themselves to there surroundings and feelings. That’s why it’s important to believe the words of God because it’s anointed and it breaks the yoke of fear and oppression. You have to believe that God loves you more than you can ever imagine, than you’ll stop fearing things that are subject to change. My brother my sister don’t turn God into a intangible religion, his a spirit and he loves you, his real , he really is real,  he really is really real, start treating him like your father, be free again ,be a kid again ,worry free no fear again, really live like your born again. Than you’ll start to love without common sense; a kind of love that doesn’t disqualify anyone, but loves everyone not because of what they’ve done or what they can become simply love them for them. Now that’s true evangelism! “We can do no great things, just small things with great love. It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into doing it.”- Mother Teresa.  Again I say, the time is coming when the true believer will be known for their love, not their confession.